Das sind wir!
Hier könnt ihr eure LolliPops Teacher kennenlernen:

English Teacher Shay from San Diego, California:
Shay kommt aus dem sonnigen Kalifornien und liebt es mit den Kindern in ihrer Muttersprache zu spielen. Die Kinder lieben ihre fröhliche Art und freuen sich immer, wenn sie zu ihnen in die Kita kommt.
„I have a diploma in early childhood development and have worked in Kindergartens for the past 10 years. I am a certified yoga teacher (for children and adults) and enjoy implementing movement and breathing exercises into the classroom environment.
I really enjoy working with children because their fresh perspectives are inspiring and uplifting. Children have an enthusiastic energy that I find creatively energising.“
Watch my video for further information:

English Teacher Rachel from Australia:
Rachel kommt aus Australien und die Kinder sind begeistert dabei, wenn sie hin und wieder auch mal ein paar Yoga Übungen in ihren Unterricht einbaut.
English Teacher Petrina from Barbados:
Petrina kommt aus Barbados und durch ihre liebevolle Art gewinnt sie schnell das Vertrauen der Kinder.
„I love working with children of all ages. I have several years of experience working with children, including children with Special needs. I taught at schools in Barbados and I’ve also been a counsellor at summer camps. I am CELTA certified and have a degree in Psychology.
I love to volunteer and have worked with children doing an after-school program at an orphanage. I look forward to teaching your children and having fun through creativity!“
Watch my video for further information:
more LolliPops Teachers coming soon…
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